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quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Cover Love #2

Era para ter postado ontem o Cover Love.. esqueci hahahaha mas para hoje temos mais algumas capinhas lindas de morrer. Confiram:

Sinopse: Written in a magic realist vernacular, Ilie Ruby’s debut novel opens as Grant Shongo has returned home to Canandaigua Lake, a little community where everyone knows everyone’s business—though they may pretend not to. Devastated and living in isolation after the break up of his marriage, Grant is drawn back into the world when a young man, Lion, pleas for his help in finding his missing wife, Melanie. Tongues are wagging about Melanie’s disappearance. A recovering addict, could she have had a relapse? ...Was she abducted? What, if anything, does it have to do with the death of her little brother all those years ago? Sparks fly when Grant’s first love returns to town, but can it be trusted this time? And with the chance at enjoying life again, will Grant’s promise to Lion fall by the wayside—possibly endangering countless lives? As the lovers reunite in a frantic search for Melanie, they discover a world where nature and the spiritual realm intertwine and nothing is as it seems. The Language of Trees examines the tremulous bonds between parents and children, lovers and friends, and human beings and their gods. It will make you believe that the spirits of those we love watch over us, that people can heal each other, and that if you can truly forgive yourself, the world will return to you all of your forgotten dreams.


Sinopse: Seja bem vindo a Gerizin. Uma terra inóspita e estéril, onde um dia a magia foi absoluta. Depois que o Ian, o anjo, se tornou o rei daquelas terras, tudo o que era bom se corrompeu. A beleza foi destruída pelo poder e seu povo oprimido pelo julgo do falso Anjo Rei. Somente uma pessoa seria capaz de destruí-lo: Lilith, a princesa guerreira. Sua chegada foi anunciada pelas grandes profecias como o monstro que traria a destruição e sua vida sempre cercada de perigos e suspeitas. A batalha começa agora! Lilth terá que subjulgar sobre Ian e seu reinado sob a lâmina de sua espada! Um passo em falso poderá ser fatal e qualquer escolha errada poderá tirar a vida daqueles que ela mais ama. Acompanhe Lilth nesta jornada onde nada é o que parece. Sexo e violência no calor da batalha irão te levar nesta trajetória coberta de aço e sangue.


Sinopse: A beautiful and suspenseful tale by a master American novelist, The Midnight Twins tells the story of mirror twins born on either side of midnight. After a mysterious and nearly fatal fi re on their thirteenth birthday, Meredith and Mallory Brynn begin having visions: Mallory can see into the past, Meredith can see into the future. But it will take both of them to save their town from a great evil. That is, if their unique powers don’t destroy them fi rst.


2 comentários:

  1. Adoreiiiiiiiiiiiiiii as capas, adorei mesmo!!!

  2. Também sou apaixonada por capas \o/ Essa terceira é simplesmente perfeita demais *-*
